honour the lord
with your wealth.
give by online banking
We are so thankful for all who generously give to support the Echo Church community. We couldn't do what we do without you!
Using your bank's online banking facility, you can gift a one-off amount or choose to set up regular payments. If you've been assigned an Echo Church Giving Code, please use it as the reference with your payment(s).
Please contact our team if you'd like to know more about giving and/or be assigned a Giving Code.
bank account
Echo Church
All donations over $5 are tax deductible.
Donation receipts are emailed annually asap after March 31st.
If you require a receipt earlier than that, please contact our team.
2023-2024 donation tax receipts: All 31 March 2024 donation tax receipts were emailed to donors on 11 April. If you did not receive yours, please check your spam folder. If you need it re-sent, please email us at office@echochurch.co.nz.
give by eftpos on Sunday
At Echo Church our Giving Station has a self-serve eftpos machine. The Giving Station is near the Info Desk and Sound Desk. The Info Desk team is available to help you if you need any assistance using the eftpos machine.
give online now
You can use your credit card to donate now via this secure Stripe portal. You will receive an email confirmation from our Wix website as well as an emailed receipt from Stripe. Echo Church emails official donation tax receipts for donations over $5 as soon as possible after 31 March each year. If you require one sooner than that, please contact us.
A note to our Echo family: if you are a regular giver, please consider giving via internet banking since Echo Church incurs 3% in fees when Stripe or eftpos are used.